Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Creativity has great influence on child's thinking......

The preschool aged children has great impact of creativity on their mind. This age group children will see things and try to do a like they may even draw a line but for them it is more than creating world. They have rich creative imagination which further explores to expressions and leads to experiences. Child don't require any source from outside which can give them specific topic, they them self imagine their topic and make it creative. This is a team work of imagination and creation! But topic will not come from air, a child has to see some things in their field of vision to be worked as a topic.They develop Imagination through the things they see, nearby ambiance. The environment plays major role is child's imagination and creativity.
So what is the part of teacher,parents, caretaker, can play in the process? Are there things as an parent or teacher we can do to enrich situation and grace a child's imagination. Yes there are many things you can do to make environment child friendly.
1) Make child sit in environment which is not overdoing things, don't make him see many sides at time. Let him concentrate on one or two things. Eg. you are doing something and music is on. so when child's these two activities he will visualizes something and start doing. but if he is confused with many activities at one time he will sit quietly. so make him observe few things.

2)Value his creation will also increase his thinking. Girls will take part more in coloring, dressing etc where as boys will be more interested in playing with blocks, cycles etc. So whatever they do take picture and create a artwork collage and put it in front of you or at common place this will make them feel that there work is equally important for you and they will be more inspired to do further.

3) Explore nature along with them. Take them out and let them free. The things which they picked up collect them and after coming home sit with them and help them to glue it on paper. make an art work from the collected thing. This will teach them to see in more directions of nature and how to use things from nature in creative way. Enjoy the process with child.

4) Making them listen and read is very important. Read many stories in front of them or make your own story to make it interesting. While talking move your voice like a baby and be as silly as you can. Have funny sounds, dance on music with them. have fun of baby songs and rhymes along with dance and singing baby way etc. They will be more interested to listen.

5) Sometimes allow him his way. leave him the way he is doing, its not compulsory to be all time with them as they will get habited to see you for every small help. So even if he is not doing anything still leave him his own way. let him find way for himself to be busy. Every-time if you will programme or plan his day he will become more dependent for every work. So even let him be alone sometime.

This way through observing, valuing and exploring, will lead his imagination to think more creative way. speaking,Reading and listening are the base of knowledge. The things you hear, things you see, things you speak leads to imagination. So your intelligences and sensorial activities are working together, which creates curiosity to know things and leads a child to imagine. As imagination starts creation will follow!!


1 comment:

  1. Printable Coloring Pages are also a great way to enhance your child’s inventiveness, as coloring can help you furnish your child's brain and hands for skills needed to learn hand movements for educational purposes. With printable coloring pages, a child can practice playing with the colors and will definitely enjoy variety of themes and designs.
